Training & Equipping To Join FE Teams

Training For FE Team

Jesus tells us in Matthew 10:8 “To heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.”

Unfortunately, in our experience, few churches are following this specific command. Most church leaders have no idea that some of the people coming through the church doors are desperate, and feeling confused in mind, heart, and spirit. Many are feeling rejected, isolated, and wounded “beyond repair.”

Only the power of God can identify the freedom and healing required to bring a shattered person restoration, renewal, and wholeness.

  • Deliverance and inner-healing ministry must be restored to the regular activities in the Church of Jesus Christ!  Unfortunately, the needs are endless, and the laborers are few.
  • Therefore, it is our fervent desire to equip others to rescue abused and broken-hearted people. We have traveled to several locations in the US and other nations to equip people called by God to pray deliverance and inner healing.
  • When the Lord gives approval, we will also train mature Christians to participate as a team to pray territorial intercession for their geographical locations.

Teammate Training Process Flowchart

If you are interested in joining our ministry as a teammate:

A) Complete steps 1 through 3 in the infographic above.


B) Schedule a Zoom Call with the Thornbergs

We Provide Progressive Training For:

Track 1: Deliverance And Healing

Prerequisite Course: Victory Over Spiritual
Conflict (VOSC) > Learn More

  1. Deliverance Procedures
    Learn More
  2. Aftercare Ministry
    Learn More
  3. Personal Coaching: Two ministry sessions
    Learn More
  4. Freedom For The Severe SRA/MPD Seminar
    Learn More

Track 2: Territorial Team Intercession *

Prerequisites: Track 1 courses

  1. Impact of Heavenly War
    Learn More
  2. Territorial Components Of Satan’s Realm
    Learn More

* People called to this specialized intercession must complete Track 1 courses first.