We have traveled to several geographical locations in the USA and internationally to train and equip people who are called by God to pray deliverance and inner healing procedures.
When the Lord gives approval, we will also train mature Christians how to participate as a team to pray territorial intercession safely for their geographical locations.
We have learned from years of experience what NOT to do!! We have learned that we must invest time to discuss mutual needs and expectations so that we can focus on handling critically important details to assure there is balance and a smooth flow of events. Once ministry ideas are discussed and decisions made, we will be in a position to offer specific information that will assist those who have responsibility for coordination and planning.
View our Teaching Topics Page for a comprehensive list of the categories and specific seminars we specialize in.
In addition to hosting a specific FE teaching/training seminar, some other activities can be included in planning our ministry visits. For example, individual coaching, prayer sessions, education for leaders and staff, prayer for the Church, building and properties, and preaching are some of the activities that can be considered.
We want to ensure our mutual success will be achieved while enjoying some fun along the way!
Contact Us to inquire about hosting an in-person seminar or ministry experience using the button below:
Our seminar fees change occasionally, and all of that information has been consolidated into one master document. Click on the button below for the latest info on our seminar pricing.
Many of our seminars are available in a variety of media formats, including CD, MP3 and DVD. Purchasing these resources is a great alternative for people who can’t make it to one of our training events in person.
Our seminar fees change occasionally, and all of that information has been consolidated into one master document. Click on the button below for the latest info on our seminar pricing.
FE seminars that are ordered in physical media format are provided via USB Flash Drive. Other media formats (i.e. CD or DVD) may be ordered by special request and prices will vary.
Click here to request products on physical media that is NOT a Flash Drive
By the power of Holy Spirit, we pray to set believers in Christ free from pain, addictions, and demonic controls that have made their lives miserable! Once free, people can grow in relationship with Jesus and live a more purposeful and peaceful life.
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