If we’re honest, most of us can admit that we’re carrying around a load of heavy garbage!
We may put on a smile for others, but inside we are stressed out with worry, fear and too much to do. We pick up burdens for friends and family. Or maybe we stuff layers of deeply buried memories that contain oozing wounds of rejection, betrayal and abandonment.
If we’re honest, most of us can admit that we’re carrying around a load of heavy garbage! We may put on a smile
for others, but inside we are stressed out with worry, fear and too much to do. We pick up burdens for friends and family. Or maybe we stuff layers of deeply buried
memories that contain oozing wounds of rejection,
betrayal and abandonment.
Well, come on then — let’s pray!
During the past few years, we have learned so much more about the devices and schemes Satan and the powers of darkness employ against human beings, but ESPECIALLY to those of us called by His Name.
Before the Throne of the Most-High God, as prisoners of war, the demons in authority have revealed the harmful purposes for their devices and programming. They must also describe how the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh requires the weapons and schemes to be destroyed.
Here are PDF versions of several powerful FE prayers that we are blessed to share with you. Please don’t pay attention to the terms written in the prayer language – it’s simply “demon-ese!” In other words, it’s the name that the demonic has given to their evil devices. Just pray the prayers exactly as written, and you will receive amazing results!
John Eldredge and Ransomed
Hearts Ministries have suggested that believers invoke the River of Life and the Love of God as protective shields against the demonic powers of death and hatred. Following is a prayer developed by David Oliver and Sylvia Thornberg after listening to the podcast recorded by Eldredge.
There are many harmful Electromagnetic Spectrum frequencies, radiation, and chemical elements that are being transmitted to harm us in numerous ways we have not understood. This is a powerful prayer to share with everyone!
As believers our lives must involve a daily process of walking by faith. The Bible teaches that we battle the world, the flesh, and the devil. With the inevitable oppression and lies that are launched from the enemy, if we choose to resist by the power of God, we will maintain freedom and walk forward Luke 10:19-20. Please pray this language exactly as written and you will be amazed at the relief that you feel.
Millions of people have been urged and even forced to receive medical vaccinations, and the mainstream media is not reporting that people are suffering negative results, even
to the point of death. If you have received any shots and are concerned, the Lord has given us a prayer to remove the negative elements of all vaccinations we have ever received in our lives.
By the power of Holy Spirit, we pray to set believers in Christ free from pain, addictions, and demonic controls that have made their lives miserable! Once free, people can grow in relationship with Jesus and live a more purposeful and peaceful life.
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