Jesus said, “The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy – but I have come that you might have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10). The abundant-life promise is a great relief, isn’t it? However, it’s sad to say, but we have discovered most people have not been taught Biblical references that expose what Satan’s schemes are, and how he goes about “killing, stealing, and destroying” our lives in every way possible!
Numerous years of practical experience established this firm reality: People who are willing to invest their time to become educated and prepared by the Word of God, are far more successful in retaining their freedom and walking forward with Jesus Christ after receiving ministry from Freedom Encounters.
For these reasons we respectfully require people, who desire to receive personal FE ministry from one of our trained team members, to complete the following steps of preparation.
Do we “check” if people complete every step? No. But there is a well-known saying, “Little Effort . . . Little Results!”
This teaching seminar will establish a scriptural basis for understanding the enemy’s character and schemes to cause oppression. As you learn about spiritual warfare topics, past events in your life may take on new meaning! You will also become much better prepared to receive and keep your FE ministry of deliverance and aftercare.
Order the VOSC seminar via online streaming or Flash Drive media.
By the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, deliverance is a powerful act to cast out demonic spirits — as well as their programming, and devices — that negatively influence and control people, so that peace, rational thought, and healing can be established.
Please review a PDF of the following article written by Dr. David Oliver that explores the biblical basis for “demonization” of Christians:
Depending upon your beliefs and upbringing, you might be amazed and even offended to consider the idea that a believer in Christ needs deliverance.
Often tormented Christians refuse ministry because they were taught it’s impossible to have demons after a person is “born again.” Wrong!
Every person who has come to FE for ministry had demons to cast out — that’s 40+ years of experience for Ken and 28 years for Sylvia!
Read the following article for more information on this topic:
The Christian and Demonization
This document helps provide an understanding of what the Bible says about freedom, healing, and spiritual warfare.
The purpose of this document is to answer many of the questions you may have and to establish expectations, should you decide to request ministry from FE.
Once you have completed each of the steps above, please review the “FE Team Contact List.” This document provides a partial listing containing the location and email contact information for teammates who are willing to be contacted directly; those who will minister via Zoom are specified in the document.
By the power of Holy Spirit, we pray to set believers in Christ free from pain, addictions, and demonic controls that have made their lives miserable! Once free, people can grow in relationship with Jesus and live a more purposeful and peaceful life.
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