As you consider these questions – those we receive most often – please pray and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His truth to you.
In the fear of God, we dread nothing more than the potential for deception. In the realm of evil supernaturalism, deception is very prevalent. I’ve been guilty of it in my lifetime and I’ve had to repent and change my entire frame of mind, beliefs, and perspectives – at times a humbling experience. I also ask you to judge your own paradigm and these answers by four simple questions I ask regarding any ministry or set of beliefs:
Author and World Prayer Center Director Peter Wagner adds a few more to this list which I believe bear repeating:
In the fear of God, we dread nothing more than the potential for deception. In the realm of evil supernaturalism, deception is very prevalent. I’ve been guilty of it in my lifetime and I’ve had to repent and change my entire frame of mind, beliefs, and perspectives – at times a humbling experience. I also ask you to judge your own paradigm and these answers by four simple questions I ask regarding any ministry or set of beliefs:
Author and World Prayer Center Director Peter Wagner adds a few more to this list which I believe bear repeating:
Of course, most of you reading would not know the growth and acceptance of the deliverance and aftercare that we teach and train others; however, we can assure you that the fruit declares that the Kingdom of God is advanced. After you have from Freedom Encounters, please CLICK HERE to download the FAQs and answers.
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Please CLICK HERE to download the FAQs and answers.
By the power of Holy Spirit, we pray to set believers in Christ free from pain, addictions, and demonic controls that have made their lives miserable! Once free, people can grow in relationship with Jesus and live a more purposeful and peaceful life.
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