Personal Ministry

Overview – Why Freedom Encounters?

The Problem: The Gospels clearly describe the poor, sick and hopeless condition of human beings that served to ignite the compassion of Jesus to “heal them all.” He told us to “heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons, and raise the dead.” (Matt. 10:8)

  • After He ascended into heaven, the Church largely stopped doing what Jesus commanded.

Holy Spirit landed upon Jesus and remained with Him until He was crucified. That means the Spirit of God, who knows all things, moved with His power to fix every problem plaguing the people. When Jesus ministered to people, He often said simple statements like “Be Made Well,” and “Be Made Whole,” and it was done!

  • So why aren’t all people being set free and healed instantly today?! We haven’t known what’s wrong or what to do!

Today Believers say with a smile, “I’m fine.” However, we know that people sitting in churches are not “fine” at all. They are often living lives of painful insecurity, fighting addictions, and are ashamed of hidden, negative behaviors. They come and go from church to church, pretending to be a “normal” Christian. Still, they hope someone will notice their true condition; then they leave without receiving notice or meaningful help.

Consider the Uniqueness of FE Ministry

Obviously, in the beginning Ken didn’t know much about demons and deliverance, but he believed in the name of Jesus and in the power of His blood. By God’s grace, Ken learned step by step as he followed Holy Spirit’s leading. The power of Freedom Encounters’ ministry approach continues to remain centered upon the regular and expanding revelation of Holy Spirit. Please watch the following video and listen to what Ken has to say about 10 unique gifts God has given to FE over the past four + decades: 

A Thorough Deliverance to Set God’s People Free

As the Lord continues to give us deeper revelation, the positive fruit of FE ministry demonstrates that tangible changes are occurring in the lives of people. The deliverance ministry procedures provide a quiet, controlled, and complete method of setting people free from demonic control.

  • Harassing and controlling demonic spirits are cast out.
  • Demonic programming is fully incapacitated and removed.
  • Demonic devices holding people captive are destroyed.
  • Shattered parts of the person–Altersare cleansed, healed, and integrated.

Ministry for Severe Abuse and MPD/DID

MPD/DID Part 1: Overview

While ministering within five continents of the globe, we discovered an unfortunate situation exists within the Church at large. We learned that caring people in the Body of Christ are ill-equipped to minister effectively when complex bondages exist, such as:

  1. Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), and
  2. MPD/DID [known as multiple personality disorder (MPD) – also called dissociative identity disorder (DID)].

Thankfully, God has given us wonderful understanding of His Way to minister powerful healing and integration of Alters.

Altered states of being (“Alters”) are common for most everyone breathing who has suffered in life! The common practices of secular Psychology (even when “Christianized”) most often use counseling methods that do not employ the power of God to effect lasting change.  The sad result is people who are plagued with MPD/DID remain painfully depressed and their relationships suffer greatly. 

Please watch each of the videos below for more information about this phenomenon which is surprisingly common:

MPD/DID Part 2: ABOUT Alters

MPD/DID Part 3: TO Alters

SRA victims with MPD/DID also remain isolated, hopeless, terrorized and often, suicidal. Unless these precious people receive all-encompassing ministry of deliverance, healing, and integration by the power of God, they remain in a situation of continuing despair and ongoing abuse. By the wisdom of God, and years of experience, we can pray freedom for people suffering with MPD/DID, as well as for victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and MPD/DID. Freedom Encounters trained team members can spend hours—not weeks, months, and years—ministering to severely abused victims with consistent success (even for those suffering with advanced demonic programming).

Aftercare and Ongoing Discipleship are Critical

”The FE ministry approach is much like the analogy of  “surgery. ”Surgery requires that the physician must follow proven procedures that yield a consistent, successful result every time. It also involves the need for immediate aftercare that includes vital “recovery and rehabilitation.” This is absolutely true for abused and wounded people.

After the deliverance ministry appointment, FE team members schedule an immediate aftercare appointment to minister inner healing and revelation by the Lord. Clients will leave from this healing appointment with an “After care Guide” containing powerful prayer tools. If these tools are prayed regularly, the Lord will continue to bless the person with lasting positive changes.

Watch this video for more information on this important part of our unique process:

FE ministry’s positive results extend beyond traditional boundaries of denominational churches to include Christian counselors, therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Abused people have spent thousands of dollars for many years, and have endured repetitive counseling sessions, only to experience minimal positive change occurring in their lives. Most clients require loving counseling support, inner healing, and/or Christian discipleship to assist them after the deliverance prayer has been ministered.

HOPE by the Power of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Thank God that there is an exciting, new HOPE, supplied by His revelation and power, which is solely based upon a Biblical foundation of authoritative, innovative deliverance prayer and inner-healing tools that have been achieved through the power of the blood, cross, and victorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The eternal deliverance occurred at the cross of Calvary over 2,000 years ago, and we urge all Christians to rise by faith to enforce His victory and authority in our lives!

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Our seminar fees change occasionally, and all of that information has been consolidated into one master document. Click on the button below for the latest info on our seminar pricing.

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Many of our seminars are available in a variety of media formats, including CD, MP3 and DVD. Purchasing these resources is a great alternative for people who can’t make it to one of our training events in person.

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