Sometimes too loud, but it is good. Peace is huge! All my audio tapes–old preaching– are totally new! Like I never heard them before! Something has happened with my hearing for sure! I am sorry but I am still drunk (in the Spirit) and lost in Jesus! Now it is over a week already. I talked to my mom by phone and she talked to me very respectfully, that had not happened with us before!
Do you know that I started to HEAR that God is speaking to my husband and through him. I hear it. I didn’t before! And yesterday he said that he feels anointed again and he is ready to work with people again. He could not before. He knew he would have to someday, but no anointing was there and he could not hear God’s voice there to lead him. It is funny, so funny how everything can be changed overnight! When it works for me, it works overnight and drastically! It has happened that way from the beginning.
Our biggest news was for us, that God spoke through Frank and Kathy that my husband’s Pastor License will be restored and soon. Pastor Frank has to do it. God spoke to Frank on Sunday! All my hairs were standing on my head–it was the restoration process. We love our Pastor Frank very much! But he was our 8th pastor (who left us on this time). It is so hard to start to love somebody and then would come separation. It hurts! My husband is so soft hearted.
Finally we want to tell you that here are the HAPPIEST AND FUNNIEST CHILDREN OF GOD with their new adventures IN Jesus! Thank God for you, that you were obedient to His voice! Continue to be so! We will add our prayers for you guys! Daddy God help them to do, to make your perfect will theirs! And to set some more captives free like we were. We bless You, JESUS, AND DADDY GOD AND OUR PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT! Amen! Guys, have fun and adventures with LORD JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, WHO CAME IN THE FLESH!
M & I, Washington state T111