She Learned Her Authority in Christ and Wants to Encourage You to Get Prayer
Basically, that has been my result. Living in a world of doubts and lies, I found it hard to hear His voice and know His call and direction. For years, I wandered, seemingly in circles. This deliverance cut the circle and set the path straight. It was the most unique experience I have ever had in the Lord, and it has resulted in the biggest gain. I am now realizing my inheritance. As I continue to walk in freedom, clarity and courage continue to form. I walk in KNOWING, not guessing. What a relief! The strongest weapon I gained was in my ability to speak to the enemy, to identify the enemy’s sneers and destroy the offense. The lies of weakness, disapproval and failure can no longer take root. The power of our tongue is God’s power in action if we choose and know HOW to fight. Please consider carefully as this opportunity is coming now for a reason. Take advantage of what He so freely wants to give… an intimacy with Him that gives you life, so much life, that it overflows. Thank you to all who serve Him in this ministry. Your work is invaluable to us, His beloved.
Lori, Australia T122