
We hope that you have discovered how God is blessing the various ministries of Freedom Encounters. FE is a 501 (c)(3) organization. All gifts are tax-deductible as a charitable contribution in the U.S. This page lists all of the available options to donate to FE financially. Thank you for your support!

Donate to Freedom Encounters Securely Online

Support our 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry with a tax-deductible gift

Billing Address

Send money for free with no fee online using your bank or their mobile app. Visit the Zelle website for more info. *

* Use the email address [email protected] if using this method.

Credit or Debit Card; PayPal Giving Fund (Fee Deduction). *

Send a one-time or monthly gift from your bank to ours:

  1. Mail a Check: Check 1663 E. Castlerock Ct., Boise, ID USA 83712
  2. ACH: Email us for FE bank information.

Outside of USA:

  1. Wire funds to FE bank (email us for FE bank information)
  2. Send a check in USD funds (Name of a major U.S. bank on the front of the check)